On Saturday, October 3, 2009 the Walkway Over the Hudson
State Historic Park opened to the public in Poughkeepsie, NY.
At 6,767 feet long it's the world longest pedestrian bridge.
It was originally constructed as a railroad bridge in 1888.
The weekend's festivities included magicians, jugglers, acrobats,
bands, clowns, unicyclist, tons of people and much more.
Here is some of what I saw and experienced.

The entrance gate to the pedestrian bridge on the City of Lloyd side.

Pedestrians and bikers enjoying the bridge.

The "one armed handstand" in the light of the sunset.
He did this after juggling flaming rods while on a unicycle on a tightrope
Keep in mind: this bridge is over 200 feet above the river.

Some fun characters providing endless entertainment.

View of the Mid-Hudson Bridge at dusk.
Just one of the stunning views from the walkway.