Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Ummm... this is the message I got in my fortune cookie today.
I don't really get it.
Does this mean I get another cookie?


Cool warehouse alley in Gowanus


I'm not sure how to ride it, but I know I want to.


I really like Garlic, and was really excited to check
out this gestival in Saugerties, NY last weekend
There were hundreds of booths, and thousands of
people all there to celebrate GARLIC!!
There was live music too!
Like "Annie and the Hedonists"
And even a Garlic Polka band equipped with
awesome side burns.
Altough the amount of people and the smell was
overwhelming, I still had a blast.


So, a few of us went out to dinner the other night,
and one of us got a sandwhich with really cold bread.
Well, after talking to some of the wait staff, we were
able to get it taken off the bill. I really like the language
they used to identify what was being removed.
I guess this is them admitting the bread was cold


German style beer holding competition.
Whoever holds a full liter of beer the longest only using
one arm and not bending it at all, wins.
Apparently the record in Germany is 13 minutes.
I had my money on the hispter in the striped sweater.
He came in second at about 5 minutes


HGTV marketing blitz + MTA being strapped for cash =
Well designed, creative subway cars.
It really felt like I was in a house, a really crowded house.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


So I went to the West Indian Day Parade on Eastern Parkway
in Brooklyn on Labor Day this year. It was incredible to see
some many people (over 3 million) with so much energy,
having such a great time. With that said, my favorite part was
running into Taimak Guarriello, better known as
I took a picture with Bruce Fucking Leroy!!!!
If you've never seen it before go watch "The Last Dragon"
and you'll know why I am so excited.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


It looks like someone clipped this Batmobile's wing


I love this message in a Greenwich Village Window


Ah, the Gowanus Canal.
It's oddly disgusting and inviting at the same time.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010



The view from the patio at my great aunt's house in Allaben NY.
I love the intricacy of the ironwork and the stone columns.
And I love Uncle Ernie's old school optician sign too.
It always great to visit the Catskills.


I used to hate all tomatoes.
Now, kinda like them.
Especially cherry tomatoes picked right off the vine.
Thanks Harris, they were Deeee-licious!!


I've been pretty fascinated by spiders recently.
I can't believe how smart and clever they are, and how
they always seem to have trapper another, bigger insect.
And the intricacy of their webs is mesmerizing.
This spider was just dancing around this ant,
letting it know who's boss

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


The Duck Decoy Museum in Havre De Grace, MD
There are a lot of fake ducks there
I would have bought this if it was less than $20

I did touch!!