Monday, March 7, 2011


A buddy of mine invited me to the Duke/ North Carolina Game
last Saturday at the Dean Dome in Chapel Hill. And Even though I'm not
a fan of either team, It was an opportunity I couldn't turn down.
(Mostly because I got to see Jenny, Brendan, Eben, Callie and Abbie)
It was a big game that determined the ACC regular season championship
that North Carolina went on to win, much to Eben's dismay.
Unfortunately I didn't have a Carolina Blue shirt, but I was looking good.
Guess which one is me?
Thanks to Eben for the tix, and Jenny Brendan, Callie, Abbie and Eben
for a great, albeit way too short weekend.
See yall soon


How do you know when you're in North Carolina?
You see a Lucky Strike smokestack and water tower.


I wonder how long it takes to drive on a flat to make it look like this?


I really love it when people "deface" or mock MTA signs.
I guess it does make straphangers feel a lil better about all
the new ways that the MTA constantly fucks us.