Sunday, March 22, 2009


A couple holding hands on the 1 train.
I hid my camera behind my book
so they wouldn't know I was taking their picture.


  1. Hipster love is awesome. And what is that book?

  2. this is nice, matt! I'll stop by every once in a while! - Ola - random norwegian guy you met in Peru

  3. The book is "The Fire Next Time" by James Baldwin

  4. Do you think they would have been upset had they noticed you were taking their photo without their knowledge.

  5. This is nice to see. People married and still showing simple affection.

  6. =0) got your invite today , guess google did that for you;-) actually this is my first blog comment made on my brand new iphone-feel honored! Good luck with your future blogging. Hope things aren't to dire-at least you got some brain back in the white house! We get along quite well here in Sweden
    Anyway, take care!
    /P-A (the fat swede at galapagos:)

  7. yay matty! so happy you made this blog xo liz
